Create Stock Media
Generate high-quality stock images and videos featuring hyper-realistic AI characters using BasedLabs. Our advanced AI helps you produce professional-grade stock media quickly and easily.

How to Use

Step 1
Enter a Prompt
Enter a clear text prompt describing the hyper-realistic AI characters and the type of stock media you need.

Step 2
Generate Media
Click 'Generate' to create high-quality stock images or videos based on your prompt using our advanced AI.

Step 3
Review & Edit
Review the generated media and make any necessary edits to perfect your final content.
Learn More
Watch the tutorial video below to learn more about making AI influencers.
Value Propositions

Hyper-Realistic Quality
Our AI generates stock media with hyper-realistic detail that rivals professional photography and cinematography, ensuring your visuals stand out in any project.

Fast & Efficient Production
Create high-quality stock images and videos quickly, saving you time and resources while delivering stunning results that meet your professional needs.

Versatile Content Creation
Generate a wide range of stock media suitable for various marketing and creative projects, from advertisements to digital content, with ease.
Frequently asked questions
More Than Stock Media
BasedLabs offers more than just stock media creation. Explore additional creative tools like Text to Image, Image to Video, Generative Fill, AI Chat, and more to enhance your creative projects.