In a realm where darkness breathes malevolence, a malevolent entity known as the Lifestealer prowls the shadows. This insidious creature, clad in shimmers of inky black and deep crimson, thrives on the life force of the unsuspecting. Its eyes, like smoldering embers, pierce the souls of those who dare cross its path. Tendrils of shadowy mist coil around it, whispering secrets of stolen life, weaving dread into the very air. The Lifestealer's presence is marked by an eerie silence, a void where hope once resided. With each life it consumes, its sinister power grows, a bottomless hunger that twists the boundaries between the living and the damned. Silent as a forgotten memory, the Lifestealer moves with a predatory grace, leaving behind a trail of despair and hollow whispers that chill the spine. In its domain, time bends and reality shivers, for the Lifestealer is a harbinger of eternal night, feasting on the essence of those who wander too close to the edge of oblivion.
Negative Prompt
(low quality, worst quality:1.4), cgi, text, signature, watermark, extra limbs, ((nipples))